Transforming Instincts: Overcoming Negative Behaviors in Recovery
When you look back and take a hindsight view and see how you behaved and carried on in a positive and constructive way, it's an amazing high that you can reap.
Picture this: you're trying to replace old, destructive habits with new, positive ones. It's a challenge many face on the road to recovery. In this episode of 'ROACHE on RECOVERY', the hosts tackle this very issue, exploring how long-term addiction engrains negative behaviors and how treatment aims to flip the script. They kick things off with a light-hearted history lesson on Cinco de Mayo, courtesy of co-host Chris Morales.
But soon, they dive deep into the meat of the matter—those learned behaviors that become second nature during addiction and how to change them. Ever heard of severe C.A.T. experiences? The hosts break down what that means and share some real-life 'mayday' moments that will resonate with anyone who's struggled with addiction. Self-awareness and emotional regulation take center stage as they discuss how crucial these skills are in replacing negative instincts with constructive actions.
The conversation also touches on the impact of societal norms, like the prominence of alcohol, and how it complicates recovery. Relationships, both personal and within behavior modification programs, are also examined for their role in recovery. The hosts stress the importance of focusing on internal changes rather than relying solely on external factors like geographic relocation. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the intricate dance between old habits and new beginnings in the journey to recovery.