One of the things we also talked about were the Tennessee Three. Well, yeah, I agree. Everybody has the right to protest, but there's a time and a place and to peacefully protest. They were spitting on the highway patrol and shoving and pushing and cursing. But the three representatives, and I wasn't on the floor. That was the House. The Senate did not have a vote in what the repercussions or the consequences for their action. But it was more than just upsetting decorum. Their own leadership, their own Democrat leadership, was yelling at them and pushing them to get them off the floor, and they took the House hostage for an hour, basically. But I was on a phone call yesterday with a young lady that's up in LNU, and she had a cousin that was killed down in the Parkland shooting. And so she's since helped pass laws up in New Jersey and New York and then also down in Florida on the panic alert buttons for the teachers to have. Well, we passed that this year in our school safety bill that funded about $255 million for student resource officers, but also grants to schools to put certain things in place. And so we were talking about that, that we had already passed her bill. And I pulled up the votes just to see how the votes were. Well, it passed unanimous, all Republicans, all Democrats in the Senate. Well, in the House, there were only four people that voted against it. And they didn't want to see this extra funding go to the schools to make them safer. And it was the Tennessee three and one other Democrat.