Healing Through Hooves: Equine Therapy in Addiction Recovery
The biggest piece of trust to me, or what the horses teach, is: they're going to respond to what we feel on the inside, and that's what they're going to ask from us is: give me something that's from the inside, don't give me what's on the outside.
Ever thought a horse could be your therapist? In this episode of 'Spirit of Recovery', hosts Rev. Dan Beckett and Rev. Michelle Vargas welcome Lynn Moore, an addiction counselor and certified equine therapist, to discuss the transformative power of equine-assisted therapy. Lynn, who founded Acres for Life, shares how horses teach trust, boundaries, and respect—crucial elements for anyone on the path to recovery.
Joining Lynn are Heather and Neva, seasoned staff members with advanced certifications in equine-assisted therapy, who add their unique perspectives and experiences to the conversation. Together, they delve into how interacting with these majestic animals can foster self-reflection and self-awareness, providing a mirror for individuals to better understand themselves and their journey. By the end of the episode, you'll gain a fresh perspective on how working with horses can help heal the wounds of addiction.
If you're curious about innovative approaches to recovery or simply love horses, this episode is a must-listen.