Pain and Pleasure: Unraveling the Connection with Professor Paul Bloom
Episode Overview
Exploring the concept of benign masochism and its relation to pleasure-seeking Understanding the value of effort and the satisfaction derived from challenging activities Examining the significance of meaningful experiences in different aspects of life, including parenting Debating the dichotomy between hedonism and the pursuit of meaning in human lives Insights into the complexities of human desires and motivations, encompassing pleasure, pain, and fulfilment
What we're talking about now, benign masochism and the like really is the seeking of pleasure. It's people looking to have a good time. But the paradox is one way to get there is through pain. And that's kind of a trick through which to maximize your pleasure.
Why do some people love the burn of spicy food, the thrill of a scary movie, or even the complexities of BDSM? In this episode, host Sana Khadar sits down with Professor Paul Bloom from the University of Toronto to explore the fascinating relationship between pain and pleasure. Together, they dive into why humans are drawn to experiences that might seem painful at first glance and how these experiences can actually lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose.
From benign masochism to the effort we put into meaningful activities, this conversation covers it all. Whether you're curious about the psychology behind these behaviors or just looking for a thought-provoking listen, this episode offers a unique perspective on the ways we seek out and find meaning in life.