Overdose Crisis: A Heartfelt Conversation with Bailey Smith and Kelly
Unfortunately, there's been a spike in overdoses during the pandemic, and it's a pandemic that's not being dealt with or not being talked about or focused on, and this is why I decided to do the show tonight.
Bailey Smith and Kelly tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time - the overdose crisis. On this episode of 'The Never Give Up Show!', they bring light to the often overshadowed pandemic of drug overdoses, which has only worsened amidst the focus on Covid-19 and vaccinations. With National Overdose Awareness Day as the backdrop, they honor those lost to both intentional and unintentional overdoses, including suicides.
This conversation isn't just about statistics; it's about real lives and the urgent need for change. Bailey and Kelly delve into the alarming rise in drug overdoses, discussing how easily accessible drugs have become and the dire need for more crisis centers. They emphasize the importance of seeking help, sharing the National Crisis Hotline number (800-273-8255) for those in need.
The discussion also covers the broader issues of domestic violence and trauma, highlighting how these factors intertwine with addiction and mental health struggles. Mental health, often ignored for decades, is another key topic. Bailey shares her personal experiences with psychiatric units and stresses the necessity of developing coping skills and processing life in healthy ways.
They also discuss the significance of gradually reducing doses of suboxone and methadone in addiction treatment, offering practical advice for those on the path to recovery. Throughout the episode, Bailey and Kelly provide quotes and tips to help listeners hold on during tough times. They also acknowledge Joe Koch for making the Friends Talk Radio Network possible. Bailey's closing message is a powerful reminder to take control of tomorrow by making positive choices today.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone affected by addiction, mental health issues, or domestic violence.