Rediscovering Joy: The Healing Power of Movement
Movement as medicine when it stays intrinsically motivated.
Imagine finding joy in every step you take. That's the essence of this episode of 'Healthscape' with Dr. Trevor Campbell and his guest, kinesiologist Shauna Sky Romano. Shauna, an athlete and coach to elite performers, believes that while science provides the foundation, the real magic lies in the art of movement. She works with clients ranging from those recovering from injuries to individuals dealing with chronic pain and diseases.
But here's the challenge: how do you get people to stick to their exercise routines? Shauna argues that it's not just about motivation; it's about changing our entire attitude towards movement. In this lively discussion, she also explores the potential of dance therapy for maintaining health and managing chronic and neurodegenerative conditions. Shauna's approach is about developing a genuine love for movement, making it a central part of your life. Dr.
Campbell adds his insights into how high-performance principles can be applied to everyday life, emphasizing intuition and intrinsic knowledge in the healing process. Whether you're looking to manage a chronic condition or simply want to find more joy in your daily activities, this episode offers valuable perspectives on integrating movement into your wellbeing journey.