Teen Alcohol Education: Honest Conversations and Real Solutions
We've had d, a, r, e, we've had life skills training, we have health classes, but at The End Of The Day they're all delivering one message and they're all telling kids that make your own decisions, but there's only one decision to make, and so we really I'm able.
What if the way we teach teens about alcohol is all wrong? In this episode of 'Challenging Pathos', Glenn Marshall and Seth Fitzgerald sit down with Rhana Hashemi, the author of 'The Fallacies of a Drug-Free American Dream'. They dive into why current drug education programs, especially those about teen alcohol use, are falling short. Hashemi argues that schools often lack honest education and harm reduction strategies, leaving teens without the knowledge they need to stay safe.
The conversation covers the pitfalls of peer-led programs, unintended consequences, and the fear that more information might lead to more drug use. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in creating more effective and honest drug education for teens.