Step 2: Understanding 'Could' vs. 'Would' in Recovery with Buddy C
I found this idea in Hamilton bee's book step sponsorship, which I would highly recommend. And this is his quote from the book. Restoration is not going to happen by magic. We have to do our part by diligently working the steps.
Why does Step 2 of Alcoholics Anonymous say 'could' restore us to sanity rather than 'would'? This intriguing question is at the heart of Buddy C's seventh five-minute meditation in his Step 2 series. Buddy C, who has been sober since 2008 after years of relapses and a near-fatal encounter with pancreatitis, dives into this subtle yet significant difference. His journey hasn't been easy, but it has given him unique insights into the recovery process.
In this episode, Buddy explores the idea that recovery isn't just handed to us; it requires active participation and effort. He shares his own experiences and the lessons he's learned about surrendering and doing the work necessary for lasting sobriety. With a calm and soothing voice, Buddy guides listeners through a brief but powerful meditation designed to help them reflect on their own recovery journey. The episode is perfect for anyone struggling with alcohol addiction or supporting someone who is.
It's a gentle reminder that while the path to recovery is challenging, it's also filled with moments of clarity and peace. Whether you're new to the recovery process or have been on this path for some time, Buddy's insights offer valuable perspectives and practical tools to help you along the way.
So, if you're curious about why 'could' is used instead of 'would' in Step 2, or if you need a moment of calm and reflection in your day, this episode is for you. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the principles behind recovery and to find a bit of serenity in your journey.