Embrace Selflessness: Buddy C’s Taoist Step 10 Meditation
The Tao truly is all about learning to yield, learning to go with the flow, learning to get out of the way, learning to let go and let god.
Imagine a moment of pure calm in your recovery journey. In this episode of 'Sober Meditations', Buddy C. wraps up his Step 10 series with a unique 5-minute Taoist meditation. Buddy, who has walked the challenging path of addiction and recovery, shares his wisdom on selflessness, inspired by the teachings of the Tao Te Ching. He believes that true rewards come from letting go and acting without selfish intent.
This meditation is designed to help you step back from your own thoughts, embrace gravity, and find peace in yielding to the flow of life. Buddy's open-minded approach to recovery combines the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous with Taoist philosophy, offering a refreshing perspective for those on their sobriety journey. Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this short session provides a powerful tool to support your recovery.
Tune in and discover how embracing selflessness can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.