Sheri Few's Crusade: Unmasking the Truth in American Education
Parents have got to be able to regain control of their children's education. They have all the rights, and laws are being violated.
What's really happening in our children's classrooms? Sheri Few, Founder and President of United States Parents Involved in Education, tackles this pressing question in an eye-opening episode of 'American Medicine Today'. With her new documentary, 'Truth and Lies in American Education', Few sheds light on the controversial topics that have parents nationwide up in arms.
From claims of pornographic materials being easily accessible in school libraries to concerns about anti-American propaganda and fake history lessons, this episode digs deep into the heart of these issues. Few doesn't just stop at highlighting problems; she passionately urges parents to take action. Whether it's running for local school boards or advocating for transparency in education, she believes that parents have the power to reclaim control over what their children are taught.
One of the most alarming points discussed is the alleged grooming of children as transgenders without parental consent. Few's candid conversation aims to inform and mobilize parents to stand up for their rights and their children's futures. This episode is a must-listen for anyone concerned about the direction of American education and looking for ways to make a difference.