Embracing Paradoxes: Father Bill W. on Shadow Work and the Mandorla
The mandorla binds together that which was torn apart and made unwhole, unholy. It is the most profound religious experience we can have.
Imagine two circles overlapping to form a new, almond-shaped space. This 'mandorla' is at the heart of Father Bill W.'s latest exploration into the human Shadow. In this episode, he wraps up his deep dive into Robert A. Johnson's book, 'Owning Your Own Shadow', bringing us to a place where opposites meet and something entirely new is born.
Father Bill W., an Episcopal priest who has been sober since 1972, uses his vast experience in addiction recovery to shed light on these paradoxes and how they shape our spiritual journey. He explains how embracing both light and dark aspects of ourselves can lead to profound healing and a deeper understanding of our 'Greater Self'.
The episode also highlights the transformative power of the 11th Step practice of Two Way Prayer, which has been a cornerstone in Father Bill's own recovery. Through Jungian psychology and mythic storytelling, he provides practical insights into how we can integrate our Shadows and move towards a more whole and balanced life. Whether you're in recovery, supporting someone who is, or simply curious about spiritual growth, this episode offers a rich tapestry of wisdom and practical guidance.
Dive into the world of Shadow Work and discover how paradoxes can lead to a new dimension of existence.