The Heart of Sponsorship: Dr. Mike on AA's Mission and History
My life depends on it, because if I stop giving it away, I'll stop getting it and then I'll stop doing it and then I'll be separated and who knows, I'll have no protection against my disease.
Ever wondered how the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) message gets passed down through generations? Dr. Mike dives into this fascinating topic in this episode of 'Experience the Big Book'. He takes a deep look at sponsorship, AA's rich history, and whether the message is being effectively carried today. Drawing from the second chapter of 'Carry This Message', Dr. Mike offers a detailed guide on how to share the AA message with newcomers.
He stresses the importance of experiencing a total spiritual awakening and thoroughly working through the steps before attempting to sponsor others. This episode also delves into the synchronistic events that led to the formation of AA and the creation of the Big Book. With personal anecdotes and historical insights, Dr. Mike underscores the life-saving significance of effectively sharing the AA message.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone wanting to understand the deeper principles and history of AA, as well as those looking to improve their sponsorship skills.