Sobriety is one of those gifts that you just keep unwrapping. It just keeps on giving; it's like a perpetual birthday every day. What sobriety has given me, and I've given myself through it, is the perpetual attention to my authorship of sobriety. We all hear one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. I bring that into the coaching that I work with myself on with my coaches and certainly my wonderful clients that I work with. It's kind of like when you're starting one of those cars or engines that doesn't quite kick over and it just kind of sparks. And that can be kind of cool because it's kind of like an adventure. I love people, and I love to be with people, and I can speak on stage and do all this stuff with people. But when I need to replenish myself, when I need to refill my gas tank, so to speak, by myself, and it's in those moments of tranquility, it's in those moments of nesting, as you mentioned, it's in those moments of, of nesting, as you mentioned, it's in those moments of grounding that I really think about and pay close attention to the gratitude, the graciousness, and the compassion that I provide to myself. Because if I don't do that, then what good am I going to be to anyone else? Yeah. And, and I think one thing that sobriety has taught me and I've taught myself, I don't live with the regrets. Yeah. I don't live at all with the regrets of my past experiences, my past lives, my past scenarios.