Breaking Free: Embracing the Kingdom of Christ
Episode Overview
Paul's message in Romans 6:14 about breaking free from sin's dominion. The concept of two kingdoms: sin and death vs. righteousness and life. Faith as a means to pause and switch to the Kingdom of Christ. Understanding that guilt, shame, and fear fuel addiction. Practical steps to embrace faith and experience true freedom.
The Kingdom of Christ introduces this wonderful alternative. We are not stuck like the Israelites in captivity to Pharaoh as slaves.
In this episode of 'How it Happens with Colin Cook', Colin dives into the teachings of Paul in Romans Chapter 6, focusing on the powerful message of breaking free from the dominion of sin. Colin explains how Paul introduces the concept of an alternative kingdom – the Kingdom of Christ – which offers freedom and life, as opposed to the kingdom of sin and death.
He elaborates on Paul's message that sin shall not have dominion over you because you are under grace, not law. This shift in perspective can be a game-changer for anyone struggling with addiction, whether it’s alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behaviours. Colin uses relatable analogies and personal anecdotes to illustrate how faith can help you pause, switch gears, and embrace the Kingdom of Christ, even if it's just for a few minutes at a time.
He emphasises that this practice can gradually extend, providing a taste of true freedom and peace. By understanding that guilt, shame, and fear – not the substances or behaviours themselves – fuel addiction, you can start to see a path out. Colin’s heartfelt and engaging style makes complex theological concepts accessible and offers hope and practical steps for those seeking liberation from addiction. Tune in to hear how embracing this new kingdom can transform your life.