Embracing Change: Fr Terry's Wisdom on Acceptance and Surrender
The biggest and deepest and truest change comes about in surrender, where we have a thoroughgoing acceptance of the worst news about ourselves inside and the worst news outside.
What does it truly mean to accept and surrender in the journey of recovery? In this episode of the Recovery Crone Podcast, Fr Terry dives deep into these crucial concepts. He clarifies that acceptance isn't about agreeing with everything or everyone, but rather about respecting others and acknowledging their reality. Surrender, on the other hand, involves a profound acceptance of the harshest truths about ourselves and the world around us, which can lead to significant personal transformation.
Fr Terry draws on the wisdom of Al-Anon, emphasizing that many of us are trapped in unhealthy systems. It's those small enabling behaviors that keep us stuck. He encourages listeners to make mid-course corrections with the support of friends and to let go of the hope of overcoming every challenge. Living in constant fear without surrender can lead to despair or an unrealistic desire to escape our problems. The real change, he suggests, comes from surrendering to what is.
This episode offers valuable insights into how surrender can foster recovery, the paradoxical nature of healing, and the essential role of respect and tolerance. Tune in for a transformative discussion that could change your perspective on recovery.