Judah Friedman, Ben Stein

The World According To Ben Stein

worldaccordingtobenstein@gmail.com (Peter Roff, Ben Stein, Judah Friedman)

  • Pride Goeth Before The Fall: Which Big Corp. Will Be The Next To Lose Billions?

Pride Goeth Before The Fall: Which Big Corp. Will Be The Next To Lose Billions?

Wednesday 31st May 2023

Tune in as Ben Stein, Judah Friedman, and Peter Roff discuss Alger Hiss, crime leniency, Pride Week's impact on sales, and personal battles with alcohol.
56 minutes

About this podcast

The World According To Ben Stein
Judah Friedman, Ben Stein
Cultural Commentary
Relationships & Community
Sexual Stigmas & Myths
Financial Health in Recovery
Navigating Alcohol Dependency
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Pride, Politics, and Personal Reflections: Ben Stein's Unfiltered Take

Episode Overview

  • The episode covers a wide array of thought-provoking topics, from Pride Week's impact on sales to the challenges of conducting a lawsuit about a company's fiduciary responsibility
  • Personal matters, such as Judah's past struggles with alcohol and the challenges he faced, were openly discussed
  • The conversation touched on the importance of saving money, the impact of inflation on interest rates, and the importance of diversifying investments
  • The central theme of individual responsibility and the need to make informed, thoughtful choices in an ever-changing world was recurrent throughout the episode
  • The hosts and special guest engaged in an unfiltered conversation that circled back to societal challenges and personal reflections
Beer is not a drink for people who are confused. It is a drink to make people confused.
Ever wondered how societal shifts and personal stories intertwine? In this episode of 'The World According to Ben Stein', Ben Stein, Judah Friedman, and Peter Roff tackle an eclectic mix of topics that promise to keep you hooked. They start by roasting Alger Hiss, a notorious Communist infiltrator who once held significant power in the American government. Thanks to the relentless efforts of then-Congressman Richard Nixon, Hiss's true colors were exposed. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Ben also shares his thoughts on the best speechwriter he's ever worked with, offering a rare glimpse into his storied career. The conversation then takes a serious turn as they discuss how public officials' leniency on crime is leading to societal decay. Judah opens up about his own battles with alcohol, adding a deeply personal touch to the discussion. From the impact of Pride Week on corporate sales to the complexities of fiduciary responsibilities, this episode covers it all.
They even manage to squeeze in some viewer mail and a musical tribute to America's hardworking citizens. If you're looking for a podcast that blends humor, personal anecdotes, and critical societal analysis, this episode is a must-listen.