Michelle Dunbar and Mark Sheeran debunk the link between pleasure and addiction, offering new perspectives and a free masterclass on overcoming addiction.
Debunking the concept of addiction as a compelled behaviour
Highlighting addiction as a belief system
Emphasizing the subjective nature of pleasure and satisfaction
Discussing the mind's ability to supersede the body
Empowering call to action for Move Past Addiction Masterclass
There is no thing called addiction. There is no compulsion. There is no biochemical, chemically hacked brain that makes you behave beyond what you want to have happen in your life.
What if addiction isn't about pleasure at all? In this episode of 'The Addiction Solution Podcast', hosts Michelle Dunbar and Mark Sheeran take on the age-old belief that addictive activities are inherently pleasurable. They argue that addiction is more about belief systems than compulsive behavior. Ever thought about why something that feels good today might not tomorrow? Michelle and Mark dive into this, explaining how our minds can override our bodies.
They suggest that the key to overcoming addiction lies in understanding these shifting perceptions of pleasure. Wrapping up, they invite listeners to their free Move Past Addiction Masterclass, offering fresh insights on breaking free from addiction without the usual steps, meetings, or rehabs.