Pharmacotherapy in a Pandemic: Voices from the Frontline
Despite these obvious benefits, there clearly are risks that policy makers will have to take into account and try to counteract if they choose to stick with the increased takeaways.
Imagine relying on a treatment to manage opioid dependence, only to have the way it's delivered turned upside down by a global pandemic. That's the reality for many Victorians who depend on pharmacotherapy. In this eye-opening episode of 'Straight From the Source', we hear directly from those affected by the sweeping changes to their treatment during COVID-19. Increased takeaways, third-party pickups, and telehealth appointments have become part of the new normal, each with its own set of benefits and hurdles.
Listeners are given a rare glimpse into how these adjustments have impacted lives on a personal level, from financial strains to newfound conveniences. The episode doesn't shy away from the tough questions either. Which changes should stick around post-pandemic? How do we balance the benefits with the risks? The voices in this episode highlight the ongoing debate and the need for thoughtful policy decisions moving forward.
If you're curious about how real people are navigating these unprecedented times and what it means for the future of addiction treatment, this episode is a must-listen.