Handling Addiction Conversations with Kids
Episode Overview
Consider the child's age and maturity when discussing addiction. Use children as leverage carefully to encourage a loved one to seek help. Create a supportive community around the children. Set clear boundaries for safety during custody arrangements. Encourage open communication and seek professional help when needed.
I know that were I to start over with what I know now, I would definitely just let them in on the basic facts that he was struggling.
Navigating the tricky waters of addiction within a family is tough enough, but when children are involved, it adds another layer of complexity. In this episode of Coming Up for Air, hosts Kayla and Isabel dive into the delicate topic of how to address substance use with children. They explore whether to discuss the issue with kids, how much to share, and the potential consequences of either choice.
Drawing from their personal experiences, they share practical advice on protecting children while using them as leverage to encourage a loved one to seek help or maintain treatment. The conversation is filled with heartfelt anecdotes, providing a sense of empathy and understanding for anyone in a similar situation. The hosts also stress the importance of creating a supportive community around the children and seeking professional help when necessary.
This episode is a must-listen for parents and caregivers dealing with addiction in the family, offering both comfort and actionable strategies to manage these challenging circumstances. If you’re grappling with similar issues, you’ll find this episode both enlightening and supportive.