The Enigmatic Connection Between Sex and the Brain
It's really the first research that showed us that the temporal lobes in the brain are important in controlling sexual behaviour, and after that research in animals, Kluver-Bussey Syndrome was then documented in humans.
What happens in your brain when it comes to sex? This episode of 'All In The Mind' dives into this intriguing question with host Lynne Malcolm and expert Amy Baird. They explore how brain injuries and diseases can dramatically alter sexual behavior, sometimes leading to hypersexuality or changes in sexual preferences. Amy shares compelling stories from her work with patients whose sex lives have been affected by brain damage, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of neuropsychology and sexuality.
But that's not all. The episode also tackles the thorny issues of conducting ethical research on female orgasm and how sexual behavior intersects with the criminal justice system. From brain aneurysms triggered by orgasm to the stigma surrounding sex research, you'll get a comprehensive look at how our brains influence one of the most fundamental aspects of human life.
Whether you're curious about the science behind sexual behavior or interested in the ethical dilemmas researchers face, this episode offers a fascinating and thought-provoking journey into the sexy side of our brains. Tune in to uncover how much more there is to learn about this complex topic.