Misfit Stars: From Letters to Life-Saving Proteins and Human Rights
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Shannon Curtis and Jamie Hill, the dynamic duo behind the Misfit Stars Podcast, are back with another episode that spans a fascinating array of topics. Ever wondered why we have upper and lower case letters? They kick things off with a fun fact about the history of our alphabet. But that's just the beginning. This episode dives into some groundbreaking science, discussing a newly discovered protein that might be a game-changer in the fight against COVID-19.
Imagine the possibilities if this discovery leads to a major breakthrough! Shannon and Jamie don't stop there. They explore the benefits of providing free lunch, highlighting how such initiatives can reduce inequality and support those in need. Then, they tackle a crucial topic: the human rights of transgender people. They passionately discuss why everyone should be invested in supporting these rights and share practical ways to get involved.
To top it all off, they find inspiration from a brilliant mind, offering transcendental thoughts that leave you pondering long after the episode ends. Misfit Stars isn't just a podcast; it's a heartfelt conversation that feels like you're chatting with friends who genuinely care about making the world a better place.