Harnessing Psychic Abilities: Dr. Will Horton's NLP and Hypnosis Techniques
Maybe it's not about the skills as much as it is the attitude, the beliefs and developing a protocol that you can use right and then going it from that viewpoint.
Imagine tapping into your psychic potential with just a few tweaks to your daily routine. In this intriguing episode, Dr. Will Horton, a leading expert in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnosis, shares his profound knowledge on enhancing psychic development. Dr. Horton kicks off by diving into the historical roots of NLP and hypnosis, tracing their origins back to military training programs. He explains how simple breathing techniques evolved into sophisticated protocols that help individuals channel information and achieve specific goals.
Throughout the episode, Dr. Horton emphasizes the power of attitude and beliefs in unlocking psychic abilities. Cultural and societal barriers often hold people back from realizing their full potential, but Dr. Horton offers practical advice on overcoming these obstacles. One of the most fascinating aspects of the discussion is the focus on internal cues and gut instincts. Did you know your gut has almost as many neurons as your brain and produces nearly as much serotonin?
By tuning into these internal signals, you can enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. Dr. Horton also shares practical tips for integrating NLP and hypnosis into everyday life. He encourages listeners to experiment with these techniques to find what works best for them, ultimately unlocking new levels of understanding and personal growth. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about tapping into their psychic potential or simply interested in the fascinating world of NLP and hypnosis.
Tune in to gain valuable insights from one of the world's top experts in the field.