There's no love like the love you have for your children. It is insane. I love my husband. I truly do. I was married once before in my mid-20s. Mike's my second husband now, and before him, I didn't know what true love was. And I love Haley. I really do. But the love I have for Mac is, oh my word, it's so different. You know, depth-wise, I do think it's very comparable with Haley. But it's like an in-my-blood type of love, because, I mean, she's mine. I created her. I grew her. And from the moment, and this may be graphic, so I apologize, but from the moment I felt her come into the world and if you listen to my episode two episodes ago, you know my labor story from the moment I actually felt her come out, I, my body immediately lost it. I was ball balling, but like the happiest tears I've ever experienced my whole life.