Mind Care Matters: Innovations in Psychiatric Rehabilitation with Dr. Michelle Zechner
My field, psychiatric rehabilitation, aims to help people living with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and other mental health conditions to achieve their goals, learn new skills and move forward with their lives, despite their diagnosis or symptoms.
Ever wondered who supports the supporters? 'Mind Care Matters' is here to answer that. Hosted by Dr. Michelle Zechner, a psychiatric rehabilitation expert from Rutgers University, this podcast is a lifeline for behavioral health professionals. It's produced by the Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Dr.
Zechner dives into cutting-edge psychiatric rehabilitation techniques, offering fresh perspectives and practical tips to help those living with mental health conditions thrive beyond their symptoms. Each episode features special guests who bring their expertise on a range of topics like peer-delivered services, mind-body interventions, and integrated physical and mental health care. Imagine learning about supported employment and education or understanding how to better support the LGBTQ+ community—all from experts in the field.
This podcast is a treasure trove of insights and resources, designed to inspire and uplift those who dedicate their lives to helping others. Whether you're looking to stay updated on emerging practices or seeking inspiration in your work, 'Mind Care Matters' has something valuable for you. Tune in to hear from Dr. Zechner and her guests as they share their knowledge and passion for mental wellness.