Marijuana Use Disorder: Risks, Realities, and Regulations
Unfortunately, the marijuana industry has done a great job, convincing people that it's medicine and convincing people that it's harmless.
Ever wondered about the real risks of modern marijuana? This episode of SAFE Radio with hosts Anne Bergen and Jim Derick dives deep into the world of marijuana use disorder. Joined by guest Teresa Hoggins, they unpack the complexities of today's high-THC marijuana strains and their impact on mental health, especially among young people. The discussion also sheds light on the often misleading marketing tactics aimed at youth, painting a clear picture of why effective regulation is crucial.
They delve into the bills being prepared to regulate THC levels in medical marijuana and stress the importance of better data collection to truly understand marijuana's effects. Anne Bergen points out how the marijuana industry has convinced many that it's harmless medicine, but this episode aims to provide a balanced view. Whether you're a concerned parent, a policymaker, or just curious about the topic, this conversation offers valuable insights into the need for stringent THC regulations and public health protection.