Opening Up: Teens and Sexual Health Conversations
If teens can't turn to their parents to talk about these things, then where can they go?
Why is it so hard to talk about sexual health with teens? In this episode of 'Dissect & Connect', Montgomery County Prevention Partners tackle this sensitive topic head-on. MCPP member Malinda Britt is joined by two Teen Connections Alumni to discuss Let's Talk Month, a campaign encouraging parents to have those crucial conversations about sexual health with their teens.
They share personal stories and insights from the Teen Connections program, emphasizing how open communication can delay sexual activity and foster healthier relationships. The episode also highlights valuable resources like the Get Yourself Tested Month and the roobot chat bot, designed to support both parents and teens. You'll hear about the power of peer education and advocacy, as well as touching moments from the youth leadership council's Human Appreciation Party.
This episode isn't just about breaking the stigma; it's about starting a conversation that could make a real difference in young people's lives.