Suicide Prevention: Fonda Bryant's Urgent Call to Action
Mine again is working out, volunteering, going for walks in nature, listening to music, coloring, reaching out to my friends and checking on them, having a conversation.
Fonda Bryant returns with a heartfelt episode dedicated to Suicide Prevention Month. After the devastating loss of her extended son Pierre to suicide, Fonda felt an overwhelming need to prevent others from experiencing such pain. She passionately believes that suicide is preventable and that everyone has a role to play in stopping it. This episode is a rallying cry for collective action, emphasizing that you don’t need to be a professional to save a life.
Fonda shares practical ways to get involved, from QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training to simply showing empathy and care for those around you. She also highlights resources provided by organizations like NAMI, which offer invaluable support for mental health challenges. Tune in to hear Fonda’s personal journey and learn how you can contribute to this crucial cause. Her message is clear: together, we can make a difference.