Kenny S: Embracing Step Seven for Lasting Sobriety
Episode Overview
Prayer and meditation can help manage personal defects. Building a relationship with a higher power is crucial. Awareness of negative emotions is key to preventing harmful actions. Consistent practice of the seventh step prayer aids in recovery. A sponsor can provide guidance and support through the steps.
My problems aren't able to be solved by me - it requires a relationship with a higher power.
Kenny S, an alcoholic from New Orleans, shares his journey through Step Seven in this episode of the SoberQ Podcast. With a sobriety date of May 21st, 2014, Kenny offers a detailed account of how he embraced the seventh step prayer and its impact on his recovery. He describes sitting with his sponsor to complete Step Five, then moving on to an hour of quiet meditation and reciting the seventh step prayer repeatedly.
This practice helped Kenny realise that his problems couldn't be solved by himself alone but required a relationship with a higher power and the act of letting go. Over time, this awareness grew, and Kenny found that prayer and meditation were key in managing his emotions and defects. He recalls early sobriety challenges, including jealousy and anger issues in his relationship, which he overcame by consistently using the seventh step prayer.
Kenny emphasises the importance of being aware of negative feelings as they arise and pausing before reacting. This mindfulness, combined with prayer, allowed him to gradually remove these defects from his life. Kenny's story is a testament to the power of prayer and meditation in recovery, offering hope and practical advice for those on a similar path. Tune in to hear Kenny's heartfelt experience and learn how you can apply these principles to your own journey.