Jennifer Kearns on Conservative Media De-Platforming Efforts
The problem is we have representation that is incredibly weak, incredibly poor, and they don't act with any power.
What happens when political battles spill over into the media landscape? In this episode of 'American Medicine Today', hosts Kimberly Bermel, Ethan Euchre, and Jeff Wagstaff sit down with nationally syndicated radio personality Jennifer Kearns to tackle this very question. Kearns delves into what she sees as a targeted effort by Democrats to de-platform conservative news outlets. She doesn't hold back, citing examples like the Dr.
Seuss controversy and what she describes as the indoctrination of children in schools to illustrate her points. Kearns argues that there's a clear bias against conservative voices in both Congress and mainstream media. She urges Republicans to speak up and take action, even suggesting the creation of new conservative media platforms to counteract what she views as a one-sided narrative. If you're interested in the intersections of politics and media, this episode is a must-listen.