Finding Faith: Michael L.'s Journey to Sobriety
My act of providence, a manifestation of divine care and direction, came as I experienced the total bankruptcy of active alcoholism.
What happens when you hit rock bottom and feel like there's no way out? For Michael L., that moment of despair became the turning point in his life. In this episode of the Daily Reflection Podcast, Michael shares his gripping story of how he was saved by what he calls an 'act of Providence'. Struggling with active alcoholism, he felt his life unraveling. Everything he valued seemed lost.
But a single phone call to Alcoholics Anonymous marked the beginning of his transformation. Michael recounts how this moment wasn't just about seeking help; it was a profound experience of divine care and guidance that he had never acknowledged before. His story is a powerful reminder that sometimes, when we feel most powerless, we find the strength to change through unexpected sources.
If you're on a journey to sobriety or supporting someone who is, Michael's experience offers hope and insight into the mysterious ways life can steer us back on track.