Facing Judgment in Sobriety: A Candid Conversation
But you know, even in judgment about things- and again it's it's most of it- is all the judgment that I put on myself, I impose upon myself when, yes, when I don't, when I don't, um, when I don't do enough in The Day, or if I don't get up early enough and I don't do certain things, and I'm always like and then I sit there and lament the fact that, oh it's gosh, it's, it's two o 'clock in the afternoon, John.
Judgment can be a heavy burden, especially when you're on the path to sobriety. In this episode of 'A is for Alcoholic', John and Jerry tackle the complex theme of judgment. They dive into how judgment from others—whether they're still drinking or part of your support system—can affect your recovery. But they don't stop there. They also discuss the harsh self-judgment that many people in recovery experience and how it can be just as damaging, if not more so.
Through their own stories, the hosts share practical tips on how to let go of these judgments and focus on your personal journey to sobriety. They talk about the importance of mindfulness practices and building a supportive network to help you navigate the ups and downs of recovery. By the end of the episode, you'll feel inspired to release harmful judgments and embrace a more compassionate approach to your own healing process.
Tune in for an honest, heartfelt discussion that offers both hope and practical advice for anyone struggling with judgment in their recovery journey.