Reimagining Drug Research: Adam Winstock on the Global Drug Survey
The mission of the global drug survey is to help people use drugs more safely, regardless of the legal status of the drug, and to promote honest conversations about drug use.
Ever wondered how researchers gather data on drug use trends around the world? In this fascinating episode of the 'Addiction Journal Podcast', Suzi Gage sits down with Adam Winstock, the visionary behind the Global Drug Survey. They dive into the survey's unique approach to collecting data on various substances, revealing how it’s changing the landscape of drug research.
Adam shares insights into the non-traditional methods they use, such as non-probabilistic sampling and media partnerships, to capture a wide array of drug use patterns and emerging trends. He also discusses how researchers can tap into this rich data source to explore important questions about substance use. Looking ahead, the Global Drug Survey aims to offer personalized feedback to participants and develop long-term studies to track drug use over time.
If you're curious about innovative research methods and the future of drug studies, this episode is a must-listen.