Why Sobriety Doesn't Make You a Therapist: Nelson H.'s Take on Armchair Psychology
The beauty of working a sober program has been that I have not used drugs and alcohol in a very long time, and along the way. I've also gotten a lot better at working through resentments, learning how to say sorry and mean it, figuring out game plans for getting myself out of self-pity, which is a toxic emotion that I subscribe to too much.
Ever found yourself thinking you know best just because you've been through something tough? In this episode of 'LOL Sober', Nelson H. takes a humorous yet eye-opening look at the pitfalls of playing armchair therapist. Inspired by a contestant on the TV show Survivor, Nelson reflects on how easy it is to believe that personal experience with addiction and recovery qualifies someone to diagnose and advise others. Spoiler: it doesn't always go well.
Nelson dives into his own journey, sharing moments where he fell into this trap and the lessons he learned along the way. He stresses the importance of seeking professional help for addiction treatment and highlights how sobriety involves much more than just quitting substances. It's about selflessness, restraint, and recognizing the limits of one's own experience.
If you've ever felt tempted to offer unsolicited advice based on your own recovery, this episode will give you plenty to think about—and laugh at.