Adrian Githenji: From Kenya to Sobriety House - A Journey of Healing
I never really felt that I had found a place and anything. That is where my drinking really took off. So that really things really took off there.
What happens when you feel like an outsider in your own skin? Adrian Githenji knows this feeling all too well. Growing up in Kenya, Adrian struggled with a sense of not fitting in, leading him to seek solace in alcohol. But one night, while inebriated, he had a moment of clarity that changed his life. He realized he didn't need alcohol to enjoy life. This revelation set him on a path to recovery and self-discovery.
Now, Adrian works at Sobriety House in Denver, Colorado, helping others navigate their own battles with addiction. His story, shared on the 'Journeys of Resilience' podcast, is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-care and community support in overcoming addiction. Adrian's journey from Kenya to Sobriety House is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of finding a safe space for healing.