From Suburban Mom to Political Advocate: Jenna Dicks' Journey
When you're sitting with your infant in your lap, a crying preteen, and you're watching as rioters and looters are burning locations within minutes of your home. It was jarring enough to transform me from a hit-or-miss voter into somebody that within Three Years I would be standing on a stage thanking the Minnesota state central delegation for voting me in as the Minnesota Gop secretary.
Jenna Dicks wasn't always politically active. As a young suburban mom, she was more focused on her family than on current events. But when riots broke out close to home, Jenna realized she needed to take action to secure a safer future for her children. In this episode of 'Ramblings of an Addict', Jenna opens up about her transformation from political apathy to becoming a passionate advocate for change.
She shares how she went from being a casual voter to standing on stage as the Minnesota GOP Secretary within just three years. Jenna's story is a testament to the power of personal conviction and community involvement. She also offers practical advice for anyone looking to get involved in political advocacy. Her five tips—educate yourself, get organized, join or start a local advocacy group, pick your battles, and find like-minded people—are not just theoretical but grounded in her own experiences.
Jenna explains how these strategies helped her focus her passion and make a meaningful impact in her community, all while balancing the demands of family life. If you've ever felt the urge to make a difference but didn't know where to start, Jenna's journey will inspire you to take that first step.