Mastering Money: Achieving Financial Sobriety in Recovery
Financial sobriety is a state of acceptance: where you are financially, where you want to be and how you are going to get there.
Money can be a tricky topic, especially for those navigating the path of recovery. In this episode, Kali breaks down what 'financial sobriety' really means and why it’s a vital part of the recovery journey. Ever wondered how to regain control over your finances after overcoming substance use disorder? This episode is for you. Financial sobriety is all about gaining control and managing your money wisely. It’s not just about paying off debt; it’s about healing your relationship with money.
Linda Palmer, a recovery coach with a focus on financial health, shares her insights on reaching a state of acceptance regarding your finances. Imagine being at peace with where you are financially and having a clear plan for where you want to be. For many, financial recovery can bring up feelings of shame or anxiety. The debts and financial chaos accumulated during substance use can feel overwhelming. Ignoring these issues only makes them worse.
This episode offers practical advice on how to get organized and tackle your financial challenges head-on. Start by tracking your income and expenses. Knowing where your money is going helps you create a realistic budget. Learn to differentiate between needs and wants, and cultivate gratitude for what you have. If money worries are constantly on your mind or causing relationship issues, it might be time to seek help from a financial advisor or support group.
Financial sobriety is not an overnight achievement; it’s a journey that requires patience and persistence. By being mindful and accountable, you can build a healthier relationship with money and enjoy the stability it brings. Tune in to hear more about practical steps and tips to achieve financial sobriety in recovery.