The Lost Child: Unpacking Family Dynamics with Gregory Struve
The lost child's self-concept is pretty low and they can really struggle at times with self-defeating behavior, self-sabotage, getting into situations that are good and finding a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Ever wondered why some family members seem to fade into the background? In this episode of 'Power of the Mind', Gregory Struve, a seasoned therapist, and host Elicia Morigeau dive into the complex world of family systems, focusing on the 'lost child' role. Struve explains how each family member adopts roles to create a sense of safety, but the lost child often ends up with a low self-concept and struggles with self-sabotage.
The discussion sheds light on how these dynamics impact intimate relationships and personal growth. If you're curious about how family roles shape behavior and emotions, this episode offers a deep dive into the often-overlooked 'lost child'.