Suboxone to Subutex: Weighing the Risks and Benefits
We like to believe the opposite of addiction is actually connection and we are going to attempt to educate you and possibly even entertain you while we navigate all topics.
Have you ever wondered what happens when a patient experiences adverse events with buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone)? In this episode of 'The Addiction Connection', Drs. Heather Bell and Kurt DeVine tackle this very issue. They dive into the guidelines and literature to explore the alternative of transitioning to buprenorphine monoproduct (Subutex) instead of the more commonly recommended methadone. But is this switch always the best choice? The doctors weigh the risks and benefits, offering their own insights and experiences along the way.
They also touch on important considerations like the plasma-urine discrepancy and the prescriber's risk assessment. To round things off, they discuss issues related to diversion and access to treatment, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in the complexities of addiction treatment.