Buprenorphine: Navigating Its Many Forms for Effective Treatment
So it probably makes the most sense to get really comfortable using sublingual buprenorphine, either with or without naloxone, as it's the most common formulation use.
Buprenorphine can be a lifesaver for those battling opiate use disorder, but with so many formulations, it’s easy to get confused. In this episode of 'Addiction in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care', Dr. Casey Grover demystifies the various types of buprenorphine, including Buprenex, Subutex, Zubsolv, Belbuca, and Sublocade. Each formulation has its unique uses and dosages, and Dr. Grover breaks down what you need to know to prescribe them effectively.
He doesn’t shy away from the tricky parts either, like converting between different forms—a common challenge for many practitioners. If you've ever found yourself scratching your head over which buprenorphine product to use, this episode is your go-to guide. Perfect for acute care practitioners aiming to deepen their understanding and improve patient care.