That's the day that I stopped. And there's still times where I'm like driving out today, I'll be like, Oh my God. And so of course I can have like band-aids that get ripped off on any given day, like memories that come up, especially like if I'm taking my kids to an old stomping ground, the fact that I don't have any desire to participate in that today is there for the grace of God go. I'm one of those constitutionally incapable people. I just could never stop. I would stop for like a week and then go back. And like, I would, you know, anything that overwhelmed me or anything that I didn't want to feel if I was not feeling comfortable in my own skin, which I've learned today, like all of us feel that way on any, none of us feels good every single day. And I wanted to feel good every single day. So that's a whole new, like learning, like sitting with like being uncomfortable and realizing that like the next day could be a totally different day. But the miracle for me was I, that's the day that I stopped when I was just sitting there with this newborn. And I was like, first of all, so overwhelmed by that in and of itself, take away the bulimia. And then you throw the bulimia on top of three kids under the age of three.