Breaking Taboos: Sexual and Reproductive Health in Addiction Recovery
Be curious, nonjudgmental, find out what your patient's concerned about, what symptoms they may have and how you can offer them education and support and how we here who live in the south can get this number down.
Sexual and reproductive health often gets overlooked in the conversation about addiction recovery, but it's a critical aspect that deserves attention. In this episode of the Addiction Medicine Podcast, Dr. Lawrence Greenblatt and Melinda Ramage tackle these sensitive issues head-on. They discuss the challenges faced by individuals with substance use disorders when it comes to sexual health, emphasizing the need for healthcare professionals to approach these conversations with curiosity and without judgment. Dr.
Greenblatt and Ramage also delve into the trauma associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the importance of mental health support in these scenarios. The episode provides a comprehensive look at standardized treatment regimens and CDC recommendations for screening and prevention, making it an invaluable resource for both healthcare providers and those affected by addiction.
This episode isn't just informative; it's a call to action for healthcare professionals to start open, honest dialogues about sexual and reproductive health with their patients. By doing so, they can offer more holistic care and support to those on their recovery journey.