When Your Husband Blocks Your Path to Help: Finding Your Way Forward
If he can keep you isolated, then you continue to feel defeated and you continue to feel like things are hopeless and you continue to feel like god's not showing up and your faith is hanging in the balance and you're questioning your faith.
Ever tried to seek help for dealing with your husband's alcoholism, only to face resistance from him? Julie Sanford, the empathetic host of 'Married to Addiction', knows this struggle all too well. In this episode, she tackles the thorny issue of what to do when your husband doesn't want you to get help.
Whether it's attending an Al-Anon meeting, joining a support group like the Secret Sisters Circle, or seeking counseling, Julie offers practical advice on how to move forward without causing another fight. She understands that your husband's objections might stem from a lack of understanding or fear of losing control. Julie dives into these dynamics, providing insights into why he might react this way and how you can gently but firmly pursue the support you need.
She also touches on the concept of spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer and discernment in navigating these challenges. For those worried about privacy, Julie shares tips on finding discreet support options. This episode is a lifeline for women feeling stuck and alone, offering hope and encouragement to prioritize their own mental and emotional wellbeing.