Yeah, completely. I didn't know much about it. I didn't feel like I knew enough about it to have a strong opinion on it but I guess before this I did have the opinion on like if you're addicted that's your own problem because you've somehow like built it up and you somehow got that point like I didn't realize how psychological the issue is as well like I thought it was just like a physical thing of just drinking or taking drugs didn't realize there was this whole thing about it where it literally in your brain you can't stop and everything and since joining I'm like okay completely got it from the wrong angle and everyone and me they're not like addicts they're people that have been for addiction they're just everyone's a person they just happen to have gone through addiction like they're no different from me in terms of how we have emotions and everything just they've got a different story to tell and everyone I've met here are just always really really nice and when I think of addicts before I think of like aggressive like crazy people. Thieves. Yeah, convicts and stuff but in reality they are just people that have just gone down that route and all the people I work with are just really really nice and from an outside perspective if I like introduced them to someone and didn't tell them that they were an addict they wouldn't ever guess that.