Join Alex Carle and Barnett Gilmer as they explore the challenges of relapse and substitution in addiction recovery, highlighting holistic treatments and personal therapy.
Relapse and Substitution: Finding Hope Beyond Addiction
If we can focus on the root and we can get the root to start to die away, to wither away, then all of a sudden the need to find something outside, a solution if you will, whether it be drugs, alcohol, whatever- goes away.
What happens when traditional addiction treatments just don’t cut it? In this episode of 'Beyond Addiction', Alex Carle opens up about her journey through the ups and downs of relapse and finding her way to recovery. Joined by Barnett Gilmer, CEO of Gulf Breeze Recovery, the conversation dives deep into the often frustrating cycle of relapse and substitution, both for individuals and their families.
Barnett shares insights from his experience at a non-12-step holistic rehab center in Florida, emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying issues—those 'roots' of addiction that are often hidden beneath the surface. The episode highlights how personal therapy and tackling trauma can be game-changers in breaking free from addiction. Whether you're struggling with addiction yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode offers a fresh perspective and a glimmer of hope.