Spiritual Cross-Training: Garrett Avery's Guide to a Resilient Mind and Spirit
Cross-train, cross-train. Don't take the value away from any one area just because it's not working at that time for you or another person. Don't take any value away from one thing because it's not working for you or another person at that time at that place. It's still valuable.
Imagine combining the discipline of fitness training with the introspection of spiritual growth. That's exactly what Garrett Avery dives into in this episode of the E4C podcast. Garrett introduces the concept of 'spiritual cross-training', a method to build a resilient mind and spirit by incorporating diverse practices into your daily routine. Think of it as having a toolkit filled with various tools, each suited for different challenges life throws at you.
Just like athletes who train different muscle groups to enhance overall performance, Garrett believes we need to train our minds and spirits using multiple approaches like meditation, fitness, diet, education, and even media consumption. One of the key takeaways from Garrett's discussion is the importance of living in the present moment. He talks about how our natural instincts often lead us to oversimplify situations just to survive, but in today's complex world, embracing uncertainty is crucial.
This means letting go of past successes and focusing on what we can do today. It's about finding the right 'crayon' for each situation, as Garrett puts it, using our intuition to navigate through life's unpredictability. Garrett also emphasizes that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to spiritual practices. What works for one person might not work for another, and that's perfectly okay.
The idea is to stay open and flexible, willing to try new things until you find what resonates with you. Whether it's through meditation, physical exercise, or even changing your diet, each practice holds its own value and can contribute to your overall well-being. So, if you're looking to add some variety to your spiritual journey and build a more resilient mind and spirit, this episode is a must-listen.
Garrett's insights on spiritual cross-training offer a fresh perspective on personal growth and mindfulness, making it easier to tackle life's challenges head-on.