Harm Reduction: A Mother's Journey to Save Her Son
Harm Reduction encourages us to take all steps possible to promote a person's health safety and welfare. It's about families getting useful support and guidance.
What do you do when your loved one refuses to seek help for their addiction? In this episode of Family Addiction Coaching, Patrick Doyle sits down with Jane, a mother who faced this exact dilemma. Her son, Bob, wanted nothing to do with abstinence or treatment. Yet, Jane wasn't ready to give up on him. Through harm reduction family coaching, she found a way to support Bob without pushing him away.
This episode dives into the nitty-gritty of harm reduction—taking every possible step to ensure a person's health and safety, even if they aren't ready to quit. Jane shares her four-year journey, filled with ups and downs, that ultimately led Bob to ask for help. Now employed and in a sober living program, Bob's story is a testament to the power of love and persistence. If you're grappling with similar challenges, this episode offers practical advice and hope.
From setting boundaries to maintaining open communication, you'll find strategies that could make a difference in your family's life.