Harnessing the Energy of Intentions with Dr. Margaret Paul
Consistently practicing inner bonding will help you to remain inwardly peaceful in the face of others negative energy and will support you in staying in a loving adult state so that you're not sending negative energy to others.
Ever wondered how your intentions shape your energy and well-being? In this episode of the 'Inner Bonding' podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul dives into the powerful role intentions play in our lives. Dr. Paul, co-creator of the Inner Bonding healing process, explains how both your intentions and those of others can significantly impact your energy levels. She highlights the importance of compassion in managing negative energy, whether it’s coming from you or directed at you by others.
Intrigued by how certain people either energize or drain you? Dr. Paul offers practical tips on tuning into these dynamics and protecting yourself from being depleted. She also delves into the importance of caring for your inner child to maintain a healthy physical and energy system. By fostering a conscious connection with your spirit, you can boost your energy flow and achieve inner peace, no matter what life throws at you. As Dr.
Paul puts it, choosing kindness and care for ourselves and others is key to finding peace within, regardless of external circumstances. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to enhance their emotional well-being through the power of intention.