Dick Morris on the Political Fallout of DIRECTV Dropping Newsmax
It's political censorship, pure and simple.
Imagine tuning into your favorite news channel only to find it has vanished from your cable lineup. That’s exactly what happened when DIRECTV decided to drop Newsmax, and political consultant Dick Morris has plenty to say about it. In this episode of 'American Medicine Today', Morris joins hosts Kimberly Benati, Ethan Euchre, and Dr. Alfred Benati to dissect the reasons behind this controversial move.
Morris argues that the decision is far from a business choice; he believes it's a clear act of political censorship. He dives into the complexities of cable TV regulations, pointing out that satellite services fall outside the FCC's jurisdiction, making them a wild west of sorts for content control. The conversation takes a deeper turn as Morris suggests some bold solutions to combat this kind of censorship.
From cutting federal funding to colleges that discriminate based on ideology to repealing section 230, which allows cable networks to censor conservative viewpoints, Morris doesn’t hold back. The hosts also explore the potential for conservative groups to create their own cable or satellite alternatives, offering a glimmer of hope for those feeling sidelined by mainstream media. This episode is a must-listen for anyone concerned about media freedom and the political forces shaping our access to information.