Connee Meschini: Navigating High School Drug and Alcohol Challenges
Kids will talk, no matter what the environment is, as long as they feel they can trust you.
Ever wondered what really goes on with high school students and substance abuse? In this episode of Recovery Internet Radio, hosts Rick Atwater and Rob Ryberg sit down with Connee Meschini, a seasoned student assistance counselor, to tackle this tough topic. Connee shares her deep understanding of the high school drug and alcohol scene, drawing from years of experience working directly with teens.
She discusses the prevalence and accessibility of substances, and why it's so crucial for parents and educators to stay informed. Connee also highlights the importance of education and prevention programs, emphasizing that knowledge can empower students to make healthier choices. Building trust is a key theme in this conversation. Connee explains how student assistance counselors play a vital role in creating a safe space for students to open up about their struggles.
She shares heartwarming anecdotes of students who found the courage to seek help because they felt genuinely supported. The episode doesn't shy away from discussing the role of community-based efforts, like keg tagging and social host laws, in preventing underage drinking. Connee's insights offer a comprehensive look at how everyone—from parents to policymakers—can contribute to a safer environment for our youth. If you're curious about how to support high school students in navigating these challenges, this episode is a must-listen.
Connee's wisdom and compassion shine through, making it clear that while the battle against substance abuse is tough, it's not insurmountable.