Chuang Tzu's Wisdom: Pride, Ego, and Sobriety
If he just sat down, stayed still, there would be no more footsteps if he stopped doing and started being, or sit down and shut up.
What if ancient wisdom could help you navigate the tricky waters of addiction recovery? In this episode of the 'Tao of Our Understanding Alcohol Recovery Podcast', the hosts wrap up their discussion on Thomas Merton’s book about Chuang Tzu’s writings. They dive deep into how these age-old teachings can shed light on modern struggles with pride and ego. Imagine trying to outrun your shadow, only to realize that staying still and embracing humility might be the key to true peace.
This metaphor beautifully captures the essence of their conversation. The episode isn’t just about philosophical musings; it’s packed with practical advice too. The hosts share valuable tools for maintaining sobriety, especially during challenging times like the holidays. From the '30 Tools to Stay Sober Before, During, and After the Holidays' resource to Sensei Elliston’s new book 'Powerless But Not Helpless', there’s plenty of actionable advice to keep you on track.
One standout moment is when they discuss the importance of stillness and humility in recovery. A memorable quote from the episode is, 'If he just sat down, stayed still, there would be no more footsteps if he stopped doing and started being, or sit down and shut up'. It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to stop moving altogether.
Whether you’re struggling with addiction yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode offers a blend of spiritual guidance and practical strategies. It’s a heartfelt discussion that encourages you to let go of control and find strength in nature’s simplicity. Tune in to explore how Chuang Tzu’s timeless wisdom can help you embrace a higher power and navigate your recovery journey with grace.